Monday, January 19, 2009

12 weeks and counting. But missing my sypmtoms. Is that weird?

I am finally at point were I feel good, so why do I miss my symptoms? I had a great weekend this weekend. I cleaned, I shopped, I went over to friends to play poker, and I didn't die. It was great. My appetite is back and I have energy, but I feel lost with out my pregnancy symptoms.
What is great is my energy. I get to walk the dogs at night for 40 min and still have energy when I get home. It's like me again, but with weight gain instead of loss.
I do however get nervous that something must be wrong. I would really like to relax. I have my next sono on the 5th of Feb were I get to see the little one then. Maybe once I get that sono I will relax for a day or two, then on to worrying for another 3 weeks until my next sono.
You know the best part about being this far along, is the stupidity. I'm told it doesn’t' go away and only gets worse. That can't be. I forget simple words and phrases. I try to talk and it comes out gibberish, making no sense at all. It's awesome.


  1. Congratulations you two! I am so happy for y'all. Don't worry about the symptoms, I never had any either. I would not spend my time worrying about the pregnancy, but start reading up on 2.5 year old preschoolers (this is STRESSFUL). They are FANTASTICally CRAZY. I worried during my entire pregnancy and now regret worrying so much. All you can do is take care of yourself and leave the rest to the Good Lord. Again, I am so happy for y'all and look forward to following your blog.

  2. And 3.5 yr old preschoolers are no piece of cake either! Enjoy this stage... it won't cry or yell or throw food all over the ground. I guess it won't let you sleep thru the night at times- just a little practice for your future. :) And, you are brave adding the stupidity quote... you're opening a door for Terry to start in! XXOO

  3. And the journey begins. You have been stronger than you know. Please take care of my grandbaby and tell "Jolene's mommies' little girl's baby" to be good. I love you, Mom
